2022 Spring AGM Meeting



APRIL 13, 2022

Crescent Point Wickenheiser Centre, Shaunavon, SK



President Ryan Wallis called the meeting to order at 7:11pm


Ryan Wallis - President

Brandy Bastura - Secretary

Tracy Stenson - Treasurer

Dave Gavelin - U18 Commissioner

Mike Dudley - U15 Commissioner


Swift Current


Maple Creek





Gull Lake



President: Ryan Wallis

Treasurer: Tracy Stenson

Secretary: Brandy Bastura

Adoption of Agenda

President Ryan Wallis presented the agenda 2 points were added.  MOTION by Kincaid SECONDED by Maple Creek.  CARRIED


The September, 2021 AGM Meeting Minutes were read by Brandy Bastura.  No notes or changes were made.  MOTION by Shaunavon  SECONDED by Maple Creek.  CARRIED

Financial Report

Treasurer Tracey Stenson read the financial report.  She stated that there is $11,076.78 in the General Account and $3600.00 in the Bonds Accounts.

Tracy asked for a motion to have Doris Ritlage to audit books and to pay for the cost of the banners.  

Kincaid MOTION with Shaunavon SECOND.  CARRIED.

A MOTION was made by Lafleche to adopt the financials as presented.  SECOND by Mossbank.  CARRIED 


President Report - Ryan Wallis

President Ryan Wallis reported it was a good year.  Not a lot of health issues.  A few suspensions.  Commissioners handled suspensions very well.  Scheduling went well and there were no issues.  Shortage of officials was the number one reason for games being rescheduled.  

Commissioner Reports

U11 Commissioner - Kent Stenson was unable to attend but sent a letter with Tracey as follows

The U11 season went quite well.  The 11 teams got their 20 games in.  One game that was canceled three times had to be played right before the playoff tournament to allow the team to play in playoffs and get seeded correctly.

The Cabri Bulldogs hosted the 1-4 playoffs tournament.  The teams voted on a two day tournament so that there was no team having to play back to back games.  Teams were Cabri, Gull Lake, SC Rangers and SC Outlaws.  The Cabri Bulldogs won the tournament.

The Eastend Jets hosted the 5-8 playoffs tournament.  It was a 1 day tournament with a delay in the middle to give the back to back team a slight rest.  Teams were Eastend, Shaunavon #1, SC Mavericks and SC Bandits.  Eastend won the tournament.

Both Cabri and Eastend rinks did quite well for concession sales through the booth and it was a positive for their rinks and communities.

Only one issue to deal with this season and it was an after game completion incident where Shaunavon player cross checked a Swift Current player to the ice on the way off the ice.  Officials were busy signing the score sheet and missed the altercation but it was recorded on the Live Barn video system.

Discussion was had with Shaunavon coaches about the incident and he said he would talk to the player about it and limit his ice time the next game.  Discussion was also had with Swift Current to remind their referees to monitor players after the game and not sign score sheets etc until players are safely off the ice.

Was a good season overall and thanks everyone for the assistance.

U13 Commissioner - Blaine Schwab

High hopes at scheduling meetings with everyone that 21-22 year would continue all year without a hiccup, so a 24 game schedule was agreed upon.  Will say it was a struggle a little bit along the year but everyone managed to get in the full 24 game season.  We had to extend the season by 1 day to get them all done but it did get done.  This was due to 1 team from the same organization not wanting to play the other team.  It got handled but going forward I will be including the head of that organization right from the start.  I was hoping it would have been settled earlier but adults got in the way of kids playing hockey.  

Going back to kids playing hockey, the tops 5 teams in the league were fairly even with the Shaunavon Badgers #1 coming out on top of the regular season standings.  They continued to play all through the playoffs going 6-0 and winning the league trophy.  All in all it was a great year dealing with managers and coaches of every team.  Going into next year will be great seeing the 13 teams in the league again next year.  Have a great summer and see everyone in the fall.

U15 Commissioner - Mike Dudley

8 teams split into the East and West Divisions

The East division consisted of Assiniboia/Mossbank, Central Butte, Wood River and SC Eliminators

The West division consisted of Maple Creek, Shaunavon, SC Blades and SC Capitals

The league final was Shaunavon vs Wood River with Wood River coming out the league Champions.

Overall the year was great with a total of 80 games played.  Some minor shuffling of schedules after the scheduling meeting but everyone pitched in to make it work.  There were 14 player suspensions and 3 coaching suspensions.  I believe all player suspensions have been served in full and only 1 coach suspension is to carry over into the next year.  Big thanks to all the team, coaches and managers for an awesome season and I’m looking forward to another great season next year.

U18 Commissioner - David Gavelin

Dave reported that the year was successful.  All the games got played and Wood River won the league title.  There were a few suspensions with 3 team officials for a total of 8 games.  Total of 56 player game suspensions with one player accounting for 19 of the suspensions.  No other player received more than 5 games in total.

Dave would like to thank all the teams for getting all the games in.  We had some games that needed to be rescheduled after the Christmas holidays due to Covid and some teams were very short benched.

Some concerns Dave has:

  • Scheduling meetings:  Would like it seen that teams come to the scheduling meetings with a minimum of 12 to 15 ice slots.  It is hard to schedule 10 games with only 10 ice slots.  We will know by the fall meeting how many teams and a good idea of how many league games we will have.  
  • Try not to leave games until the final weekend, especially for playoff games.  This is why you have a wek to play.
  • Officials - Shortage of officials will only get worse if more respect isn’t given, especially at the younger ages.  Would advise that all team officials and maybe players read up on Abuse of Official rules so they don’t seem surprised.
  • In the U18 playoffs try to get neutral refs.  As a commissioner I do not want to see refs in the playoffs with immediate family members on the team.  The refs I am certain try to be neutral and are but the optics are poor.

Dave read a letter from Vince Goulet regarding the player that received the 19 suspensions.  

It was mentioned that this player is a hazard to others and Hockey Sask has him being able to start fresh next year.  The fear is that if he plays next year he will potentially permanently injure someone on purpose.  

Rule 6.09.03J of Hockey Sask states: 

Therefore if the league chooses to issue a further suspension they can do so without Hockey Sask being involved.  It was decided Dave will levy a suspension and the player may make an in person appeal if he so wishes. 


Hockey Sask Report

SHA will furthermore be referred to as Hockey Sask and will be changed in the constitution as such according to section 3 of new business.  Jordan was unable to attend and no notes were sent.  


New Business


  • New Executive


    1. President - Maple Creek has appointed Ryan Brown
    2. Secretary - Maple Creek has appointed Kristin Hay
    3. Past President - will become Ryan Wallis as appointed by previous term
    4. VP - Swift Current has appointed Wayne Girodat
    5. VP- Gull Lake has appointed Shauna Lacher

The remaining executive will remain the same



  • Outgoing Executive


    1. Secretary - Brandy Bastura of Shaunavon will be the outgoing secretary.  Ryan thanked Brandy for her term.  She will stay on to help the current secretary get settled into the position if needed.


  1. New Email Address - Brandy will ensure that the new incoming secretary will change the password and forward it to all the executive


  1. Rule Change  RE: Overtime - ASSINIBOIA MOTIONS to change the current overtime rule to follow Hockey Sask rule for overtime.  Second Kincaid.  CARRIED


  • Fine & Memberships


This year we did not have Eastend, Herbert, Central Butte.  These teams will receive a fine of $200 payable to Tracey if they are not at the fall meeting..  Frontier, Fox Valley, Pontiex and Coronach having bonds being absorbed.  These towns have a bond and due to the lack of attendance the bond will be absorbed and the bond will have to be paid again before the membership will be accepted back into the league.  If Herbert, Eastend and Central Butte are not at the fall meeting a letter will be sent to the organization stating the reason for the $200 fine or their bonds will be absorbed and should they wish to have an organization a bond will need to be paid prior to joining the league. 


  • Constitution Changes


  • The current constitution will need to have any areas that state SHA to be changed to Hockey Sask as per the legal name change. Swift Current MOTION Maple Creek SECOND.  CARRIED
  • The current terms for executive and commissioners will need to be changed.  We no longer have Fox Valley in the membership and changes will be as follows


Shaunavon MOTIONED that we rework all the terms and constitution changes in the fall to have a total of 4 terms per Executive and 4 terms per Commissioner and absorb the previous terms stated in the constitution.  SECOND Swift Current CARRIED  These terms will be reworked in the fall with the incoming executive.


  1. Fall Meeting - to be held Wednesday, September 14th, 2022 at 7pm at the CPWC  (subject to change with restrictions)



Meeting was adjourned at 8:53pm.  MOTION BY Shaunavon SECONDED BY Maple Creek CARRIED

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